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Permit Mandates
Swadesh Darshan
SAATHI (System for Assessment, Awareness and Training for Hospitality Industry)
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Public Grievances
Permit Mandates
Swadesh Darshan
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Thing To Do
Mandates for COVID readiness for business operation
Mandates for COVID readiness for business operation
- All Tourism units, accommodation units, travel operators and service providers are requested to compulsorily register their basic profile details in the crowd sourcing Portal Following verification by back end team, User Id & Password would be sent for login in to web portal of the Department, for completing other entries required for consideration for health & safety compliance.
Photographic evidences of the following areas required to be uploaded.
For Hotels
- Reception area with markings for social distancing
- Baggage sanitization/ disinfection area
- Lobby near reception
- Rooms with sanitizers, soaps etc
- Dining area with social distancing seating
For vehicles/ Travel Agency/Tour Operators
- Social distancing & seating arrangement
- Sanitizers for use by passengers
- Portable cleaning /sanitizing equipments
- Display of emergency numbers, Driver ID & License in the vehicle
For Hotels
- Date of training given on SOP/Protocol to the employees/ staff is also to be entered.
- A stakeholder group representing all associations who underwent Training of Trainers workshop organized by Department of Tourism & Civil Aviation, would then recommend health & safety compliance of those accommodation units , travel / tour operators and service providers.
- Based on such recommendation, the State Task Force for Tourism would approve heath & safety complaint.
- **Identification of Health & safety compliant Hotels and Vehicles :
- A customized sticker for vehicles and flags / standees or banners for Hotels and accommodation units and for offices of Tour operators and service providers shall be displayed/hoisted in the vehicles/ accommodation units and offices as the case may be.